Kanhaiya Nagar to Barakhambha Road - First Metro, Last Metro, Distance | |
First Metro From Source | ⏱ 05:05:00 |
Last Metro From Source | ⏱ 11:16:00 |
Travel Time Approx Duration. | ⏱ |
Total Distance Approx Distance. | ⛗ KM |
Total Stops Source Excluded. | ◉ Stations |
Interchange No. of Train Changes. | ☵ Change(s) |
Token Fare Per Person. | ₹ DMRC |
Smart Card Fare After Discount. | ₹ DMRC |
Discounted Fare For Sunday & National Holidays (2nd Oct, 15th Aug, 26th Jan). | ₹ DMRC |
Kanhaiya Nagar | Barakhambha Road |
Station City - Delhi | Station City - Delhi |
Station Layout - | Station Layout - |
Platform Type - | Platform Type - |
Metro Parking - | Metro Parking - |
Feeder Bus - | Feeder Bus - |
Divyang Friendly - Yes | Divyang Friendly - Yes |
Sulabh Facility - Yes | Sulabh Facility - Yes |
ATMs - | ATMs - |
Contact No. - 9205682373 | Contact No. - 9205682373 |
𝒜. The Barakhambha Road Metro Station is situated on a road that is credited with housing twelve pillared houses of a nobleman. Because of the twelve pillars, the metro station is named Barakhambha Road.
𝒜. Kanhaiya Nagar Metro Station is located on the red line.